4 min read

'Quiet' by Susan Cain - Book Impressions

Celebrate your introvertedness unapologetically. Learn more about your superpower by reading this book. This book impression will highlight the ideas that really resonated with me.
'Quiet' by Susan Cain - Book Impressions


The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Susan Cain, Pub: Penguin, Pub Date: 2013, Format: Book, Read: Jul 2022

About Susan:

Susan is an American writer and lecturer. Formerly a corporate lawyer and consultant. She is a self-confessed introvert. She founded Quiet Revolution, a company with a mission to support introverts, both adults and children, in education, the workplace, and general life.

My Impressions:

I finally took this book down from my bookshelf - so glad I did!! I originally purchased it as I believed I was an introvert and that it would resonate with me (I am, and it did).

It is written in praise of the introvert - but is equally of value to the extrovert to recognise his/her polar opposite temperament, and also to support the introverts in his/her life.

The ideas that I formed from my reading are listed below. They form the headings in my Zettelkelkasten system, where I expand on them and link them to other zettels:

  • Introversion and extroversion can be measured on an ‘introvert-extrovert’ spectrum
  • Introverts are not necessarily ‘highly sensitive’
  • Shyness is not the same as introversion
  • Introverts may have the best ideas but they are often not heard
  • Introverts make good leaders in proactive teams and not so good in passive teams
  • Introverts prefer to work alone and do their own thinking and creating
  • Introvert's traits ideally place them to make good negotiators
  • In the 20th century there was a shift from a Culture of Character to a Culture of Personality to epitomise the Extrovert Ideal
  • Brainstorming in large groups kills creativity
  • Open plan offices are detrimental to concentration, relationships at work, overall health and wellbeing
  • Multitasking is a myth
  • If you want to improve your learning then go for a quiet walk in nature rather than a walk through a busy city street
  • Temperament and personality are different
  • The Orchid Hypothesis suggested that some highly reactive children will wilt unless they are supported to thrieve
  • The footprint of high or low reactive temperament does not change with adulthood
  • Self-talk reduces the activity of the amygdala in direct proportion, resulting in a calming effect
  • There is a sweet spot between overactivity and underactivity
  • The fear of public speaking and other extrovert activities can be reduced by careful preparation before the event and a passion for the subject
  • The brain of an introvert is less responsive to dopamine than that of an extrovert
  • Flow states occur when a task is pursued for the intrinsic rewards it brings rather than the extrinsic
  • Soft power is the nonaggressive, skillful, determined way of winning others over
  • Venting does not soothe anger – studies have shown that it fuels it
  • Deal with a forceful angry person by trying to get to the source of what they are trying to say
  • Leaders should build their companies and not their egos
  • Work on your own if you want to develop revolutionary products or reach a goal – not with a committee or on a team
  • Enjoyment is that individual’s balance point between boredom and challenge – you could describe it as the sweet spot

This book has given me permission to be an introvert in an extroverted world - I will 'do me' and be as my temperament guides me to be.

My Favourite Quote:

"If there is only one insight you take away from this book, though, I hope it's a newfound sense of entitlement to be yourself." (p.15)

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