4 min read

Introvert or Extrovert - What are you?

Where do you sit on the Introvert-Extrovert spectrum - find out by completing the quiz from Susan Caine's website - linked in this blog. The advantages of knowing your temperament will be outlined.
Introvert or Extrovert - What are you?
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm / Unsplash

Where do you sit on the spectrum?

Have you ever wondered if you are an introvert or an extrovert?

Have you ever wondered why you may prefer to stay in reading a book rather than going to a nightclub?

What makes some people louder, and more confident than others?

The answer may be in your temperament.  It may be in how introverted or extroverted you are.

All or nothing

You may not be totally introverted or totally extroverted –  it is rare to be 100% one temperament type.

Generally, people are a mixture of both, but swayed more in one direction, for example, an introvert with some extrovert tendencies.

Just to complicate things, you may even be an ‘ambivert’ – a phrase used in Susan Caine’s book, where you are half and half – you have an equal balance of introverted and extroverted tendencies.

Find your true temperament

If you want to find out more about your temperament, I would invite you to click on the link below.  This will take you to Susan Cain's website to complete the Introvert-Extrovert Spectrum, as detailed in her book.

Quiet Quiz - Susan Cain
Are You An Introvert or An Extrovert (And Why Does it Matter)? ABOUT THIS QUIZ If you’re not sure where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, here is the place to assess yourself. Answer each question True or False, choosing the answer that applies to you more often than not. statement tr…

Once you’ve done this then I'm sure that you will be dying to know more about your temperament.  Or maybe, you're not bothered either way.

I completed my scoring to find that I am introverted - which explains a lot!

So, what are the advantages of knowing your temperament?

The advantages of knowing your temperament

  1. It will help you understand why you sometimes make the decisions that you make

For example, why you may prefer to read a book than go out and socialise in a large group.

2. It may influence your future life choices

You may decide to pursue a job that means you can work more on your own, rather than one where group activity is essential.

When you make your life choices based on your true nature, then you will be living closer to who you are, and will feel more at ease and energised.

Conversely, when you veer away from your true nature, you will feel de-energised, and depleted.  You will need to put restorative niches in place to counterbalance this i.e. activities that allow you, as an introvert, to bring yourself back into balance.

3. Allows you to see what you need to do if you are operating in an extrovert environment

Again, you may need to introduce restorative niches to re-energise yourself.

We live in a very extroverted world and when introverts have to function in it, it is important to include introverted activities to balance out our energy!

“Studies show that one third to one half the population are introverts.” (USA statistic) –Susan Caine

However, despite this statistic, the world is biased towards extrovert temperaments.

Interpreting your score

Even though your score may be similar to another person with the same temperament, it does not mean that you will be alike in other ways. Each person brings with them different preferences, histories, and personality traits. Therefore, there are different types of introverts and extroverts.  For example, not all introverts are book worms!

Completing the introvert-extrovert spectrum will open your eyes to your temperament and go some way to helping you understand your preferences and the choices that you make in our extroverted world.

Keep your eyes peeled for related posts to build on your knowledge in this area.  Or better still..... subscribe so that the next blog arrives in your inbox!

Subscribers: I would love to hear what your score showed about you - if you are happy to share - but there is no pressure. You can do this by hitting the 'Reply' button in the email you receive from me. 


Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking: Amazon.co.uk: Cain, Susan: 9780141029191: Books
Buy Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking 01 by Cain, Susan (ISBN: 9780141029191) from Amazon’s Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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