Maria Dillon

Maria Dillon

Starting a Gratitude Journaling Practice

Starting a Gratitude Journaling Practice

Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about - why do people spout on about keeping a gratitude journal? Is it just another fad - just another thing that 'new age' people do? Well no...... there is evidence to support the benefits of a regular Gratitude practice.
9 min read
120 things I was grateful for in 2021

120 things I was grateful for in 2021

An extract from my Gratitude Journal for 2021 showing 10 things I was grateful for each month. Enjoy.
9 min read
Introvert or Extrovert - What are you?

Introvert or Extrovert - What are you?

Where do you sit on the Introvert-Extrovert spectrum - find out by completing the quiz from Susan Caine's website - linked in this blog. The advantages of knowing your temperament will be outlined.
4 min read
Managing Chronic Stress: 30 x 5 Minute Nurturing Practices

Managing Chronic Stress: 30 x 5 Minute Nurturing Practices

Stress is a normal part of our everyday life. It is problematic when it becomes chronic stress. Nurturing practices of 1 - 5 minutes can reduce the escalation of stress. I will share my own nurturing practices.
6 min read
10 Things I Learned From My Mindfulness For Health Course

10 Things I Learned From My Mindfulness For Health Course

1. Magic of the breath; 2. Turning inwards with awareness; 3. Gratitude practices; 4. Sinking into gravity; 5. Looking at thoughts and emotions; 6. Mindfulness of movement; 7. Pacing; 8. Noticing secondary suffering; 9. Broadening awareness; 10. Emotional regulation systems
5 min read
My reasons for doing the 8-week online mindfulness for health course

My reasons for doing the 8-week online mindfulness for health course

This blog is written to support you if you’ve ever had inklings or wonderings as to what it might
5 min read