9 min read

120 things I was grateful for in 2021

An extract from my Gratitude Journal for 2021 showing 10 things I was grateful for each month. Enjoy.
120 things I was grateful for in 2021
Photo by Donald Giannatti / Unsplash

Surprisingly – this list took me a while to put together!  This was because I had so many things to be grateful for in 2021!

I write '5 things I am grateful for' every day.  Therefore, 5 x 365 days in a year = 1,825 things to be grateful for.  Wow!!  I don’t think any blog post reader would read a list that long!!!

So here goes – this is my condensed list extracted from my gratitude journal – I whittled it down to just 10 things every month.  

Take your time and enjoy it


  1. My new bullet journal for the start of the New Year – fresh and awaiting my words of inspiration
  2. Blissful, uninterrupted, deep sleep
  3. Walking in the National Forest (NF):
  • The ice clinging to the bottom of tree trunks as they enter the river
  • The glow of sunshine through a brooding sky
  • The dog that jumped up on me to say ‘hello’
  • Standing in a field admiring the snow melting amongst tufts of straw like grass
  • Sun on my face
  • Pale sunlight shining through spindly tree branches
  • The silence in the river’s green murky water
  • The pup Alsatian with 2 big ears propped on its head like a hairbow
  • The satisfying squelch of walking boots in mud
  • The red berries, surrounded by frosted leaves, hanging from branches
  • A snowy landscape like Narnia
  • A pale misty setting sun
  • A camercarzy squirrel flying through the air just behind me
  • Birdsong and blackbirds
  1. Doughnuts: fresh jammy doughnuts that can be frozen so that I can spread them throughout the week
  2. Central heating to keep me toasty on this cold, frosty morning
  3. No big bill following my dental visit
  4. My warm cosy bed – like a nest – on this cold grey morning
  5. Having a relaxed breakfast, with a candle glowing, on this cold morning
  6. Meeting 2 members of another therapy team whilst we stood in line waiting for our 1st covid 19 injection – conversation so uplifting – felt like I’d known them for years
  7. Working with a patient’s wife carrying out rehab with her husband – fills me with such happiness and joy – reminding me that this is why I do what I do


  1. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds which make my porridge crunch
  2. Walking in the NF:
  • Walking in the snow which opens up everything making it feel so expansive
  • Tree branches laden with snow which causes a snow drift in the slightest breeze
  • Squirrels on the ground - looking for food
  • Birds flying and singing in the trees
  • A blue sky and white fluffy clouds
  • Fat puffed up birds foraging for food
  • A reflection of snowy branches over the murky water
  1. Long sleeved thermal undergarments to keep me cosy
  2. Car heater to warm me as I work in the community
  3. Thermos mugs to allow me to enjoy a hot drink on the move
  4. Butter, marmalade and toast
  5. The stillness of early mornings
  6. Ruby red, my ford fiesta, she never lets me down
  7. Bright dawn sky on my drive into work
  8. Making mum’s recipe for walnut stuffing – to have with my roast chicken – with BBC Radio 2 playing in the background


  1. Having a bedtime routine that allows me to totally de-stress from my work day
  2. Hot freshly ground coffee at breakfast time
  3. Walking in the NF:
  • The sound of birds and hum of traffic as I cross the small bridge
  • Blue skies and sunshine on a crisp, cold, spring day
  • Shadows of trees on the water
  • The friendliness of others on the footpath
  • The joy of being out walking
  • The sun through the clouds as I walk – discarding my jacket – so warm
  • Going out for my walk with no woolly hat and only 1 layer under my down jacket – the weather is getting warmer
  • Walking in the sunshine – sleeves rolled up – sunnies on – the sun shining through slender tree trunks
  1. Being able to face time mum in the care home – so much better than just ringing
  2. D. playing the didgeridoo at lunch time for me and Jas, over Microsoft Teams – inspiring, haunting
  3. Soft, cotton, blue jeans
  4. My beautiful, luxurious, Sabina Savage small square scarf
  5. The cheerful, chatty till girl in Halfords
  6. Buying my first item off Vinted – a beautiful, green leather cross body bag
  7. Fish and chips for supper from my favourite chippy in Overseal – yum!


  1. White tiger bread – soft and squishy – sliced and spread with butter
  2. Waking up early before the rest of the world – such peace, quiet and stillness
  3. My good health, especially in these times of Covid-19
  4. The company, camaraderie and social connection of working in an exceptional community neuro rehab team
  5. Cracking open the shell of a chocolate Easter egg and letting a piece melt in my mouth
  6. Getting a sticker for having my 2nd Covid-19 injection – I’m such a child at heart
  7. Walking in the NF:
  • A field mouse scurrying around – first time I have spotted one of these
  • Warmth of sun on my face, a breeze stirring my curls – some sticking to my face
  • Birdsong, birds in flight, and sound of voices
  • A compliment from a man admiring my Doc Martens
  • The sweeping dancing shapes of tree branches
  • The feeling of strong leg muscles as I climb upwards in the forest
  • A small bird, sitting on a branch, singing it’s heart out
  1. YouTube videos that tutored me on how to clean my car bonnet lock with WD40 lithium grease spray!
  2. The opportunity to use Saebo glove with a patient and working jointly with OT – so grateful for the opportunity to explore and learn together
  3. Being able to watch the funeral of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, from my home and learn about his past achievements – inspiring and uplifting – whilst sad due to covid-19 restrictions


  1. Walking in the NF:
  • Sun, fluffy white clouds, birds in flight, birds in trees
  • A squirrel basking in the evening sun, in a tree, eating
  1. The deep golden brown of my garden fencing against the glow of evening light
  2. A pigeon fluffing up its feathers and being blown by the wind as it balanced on top of the soil pipe in my garden
  3. Being thanked by others at work
  4. Monthly Zoom catch up with close friends
  5. Yoga stretches as the sun rises
  6. The rainbow in the distance with the full spectrum of colours – always magical to see
  7. The anticipation of being able to meet up with family at Christmas after 2 years due to covid restrictions
  8. A bird having a wash in my guttering – water flying everywhere
  9. The smell of conifer trees on rainy walks – takes my mind back to childhood holidays in Ireland with my Uncle Tom


  1. My car climbing up and up, with rolling green fields either side on my drive into work
  2. A safe home – a place of rest and recuperation
  3. Walking in the NF:
  • Soft rain, no wind – not many people around
  • Beautiful fragrant smells
  • White blossoms on trees
  • A daisy stuck to my walking gaiters
  • A rottveiller dog looking so mean- that crept towards me on the grassy bank for a cuddle
  • Meadows with buttercups and daisies
  • A cooling breeze on the ‘high path’
  • The NF all to myself – I didn’t see another soul
  1. The tears in a relative’s eyes – expressing her gratitude for the therapy her husband has received
  2. A patient’s dog with its big bulging, beautiful eyes – pawing at me for some attention during a treatment session
  3. A wholemeal bread crust with butter and marmalade: delicious and fills my mouth with tastiness
  4. Two little sparrows – each sitting on a different roof slate, side by side, looking out over the NF
  5. The strong scent of perfume in the air after the rain
  6. Lunch outside with other work colleagues – it’s so good to stop and connect
  7. Finishing work on time and the luxurious feeling of a beautiful evening ahead
Photo by Brigitte Tohm / Unsplash


  1. The warmth and gratitude of my patients and their families as I complete the last day of my locum booking with them
  2. England winning against Ukraine in the European cup and then against Denmark in the semi finals
  3. Eating half a box of chocolates and reading my book – all before breakfast!
  4. The feeling of lightness as I have come to an end of a locum booking – with time off ahead of me and a sense of the unknown awaiting
  5. Completing my first home mindfulness retreat – good to have time to slow down and reflect
  6. The family of baby sparrows hopping round my garden on their spindly little legs – searching for food
  7. My walk around the lake - so beautiful – the breeze blowing off the lake creating little waves with audible lapping
  8. Golden Wonder chicken crisps – so delicious
  9. Electric garden appliances that make my life so much easier
  10. Watching the whole series of ‘The Handmaids Tale’ on 4 catch up


  1. A freshly mown lawn – and time to sit back and admire my handiwork
  2. A month walking the beautiful coastal path in Pembrokeshire – feeling so blessed to have this time
  3. Being able to afford to own and run a car – without it I would be pretty stranded and have to change my job, where a car is a requirement
  4. Fruit cake and fresh ground coffee on arrival at my Airbnb
  5. Watching the 2 beautiful horses interacting – as I ate my breakfast in my Airbnb – humans could learn a lot from them
  6. Fish and Chips from my favorite shop in Porthgain, eaten in my car overlooking the harbour watching the sunset
  7. Passing lanes down small country roads – getting to wave at the locals and tourists
  8. Hearing the sound of the sea and the crashing waves as I walked the coastal path
  9. The cosiness of rainy days in Pembrokeshire – curled up reading and catching up with tasks – a time for slowing down
  10. Google maps – such a godsend when planning start and finish points for walking


  1. Weekends free of having to do a foodshop – which I now complete on Friday
  2. Being fit and well in this time of covid
  3. Learning how to block delete emails from Gmail and Hotmail
  4. Free educational podcasts and YouTube videos – I learn so much – it is like the University of Life
  5. Stretches in the garden following my early morning run
  6. Ducks flying in V formation over my house as they migrate for the winter
  7. Roasted chickpeas – so delicious
  8. Noticing the benefits of completing just a 5 minute workout – so energising and I don’t have to go to a gym to do it
  9. Having time out of the rat race of work to pursue my own personal interests – a luxury that not everyone has
  10. Being able to turn on my heating in early chilly mornings


  1. A hot bath and a candle when I feel chilled to the bone
  2. My first pair of Vivobarefoot trainers – absolutely love them – so comfortable – and so begins the journey into barefoot shoes
  3. Writing my gratitude journal as I sit in a small patch of sunlight in my dining room
  4. Toe toe socks – to allow my toes to get their independence rather than being stuck together
  5. Black Sharpie pens which have allowed me to colour in my Teva sandal straps to all black
  6. Not having to pay the clean air tax in Birmingham – my car is exempt
  7. Completing my Pilates Matwork 1 course, face to face, in a local venue
  8. Collapsible water bottles – so light and convenient
  9. The lady who did my mandatory training day for how she engaged the group and made the day so much more enjoyable
  10. Catching up with friends for the weekend after our previous visit got cancelled due to covid lockdown


  1. Waking up on a work day before my alarm clock – so nice to have extra time to do with as I wish
  2. Finding my work smart card on the floor at work when I thought it was lost
  3. The help of a nurse and cleaner in finding the card above - so generous with their time
  4. Being able to work from home as this gives me back 2 hours of travel time
  5. Practicing my new skill of Transcendental Meditation – leaves me in a deep state of relaxation but still mentally alert
  6. Grateful that the excess petrol that poured from the pump at the petrol station, didn’t end up down my white skinny jeans
  7. Improved connection with a group of close friends by use of face to face digital technology
  8. Rare days with no ‘to do list’ when I can go with the flow of things
  9. My weekly phone switch off day (Sunday) which leaves me feeling calmer and my thoughts less scattered
  10. Nature:
  • The flashing white of magpies flapping wings as they take flight
  • Big crows stooped on tree branches starring out over the National Forest
  • Leaves piled up on paths
  • Cold crisp sunny days
  • Holly and red berries
  • Swans with necks bent into the lake filtering for food


  1. Managing to declutter my kitchen, resulting in a feeling of spaciousness and knowing that I have what I need
  2. Nature:
  • Snow filled leaves
  • Snow crystals sitting on stalks
  • White Narnia landscape
  • Little sparrows in their gangs sitting on twiggy branches
  • Black skies highlighting the greens of nature
  1. The cosiness of winter woollies
  2. Having choice and hope in my life and believing that anything is possible
  3. Being able to meet with some of my family over Christmas – other members self isolating due to covid – first time we have met in 2 years
  4. The freedom and exhilaration I feel when I am running – makes me feel like a child again
  5. Feeling motivated by my goals which I am able to do baby step by baby step
  6. Completing my first ‘Action board’ (vision board) for my 2022 Vision, following Tara Swart's method
  7. The best bit of my job – working with patients towards their goals
  8. Time off at Christmas to spend with family, do some walking and simply relax and reflect on the year that is passing.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -Wayne Dyer

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! x

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